Ways to give

Planned Giving


In 2017, United Way of Southwest Michigan celebrated its 75th Anniversary serving our community, and launched a planned giving program to help ensure that financial resources will be available well into the future to sustain the work of United Way. These resources will enable us to continue to address our community’s most important issues and improve the quality of life in Southwest Michigan.

A planned gift is a unique and personal opportunity to make a significant, lasting impact on your community and the issues that matter most to you, now and beyond your lifetime.

With planned giving, you can achieve personal and financial goals, while leaving a legacy that will benefit your community for generations to come.  A planned gift is a gift of capital which is not usually made from your current income. Planned gifts can be given immediately (such as a gift of stock or real property), or deferred (such as a bequest or life insurance policy).

By making a planned gift, not only do you have an opportunity to build a legacy for yourself and your family, but you may see a reduction in your taxes, an increase in your income, and the fulfillment of your charitable goals, along with reaping great personal satisfaction in seeing your desires carried forth into the future.

In making a planned gift to United Way of Southwest Michigan, you can make an outright gift from appreciated assets, through a bequest, with a life insurance policy, through a trust, retirement plans or an annuity.  These are but a few of the many avenues available for you to consider.

If you have already made a planned gift, or would like to discuss making a planned gift to United Way of Southwest Michigan, please contact Sharon Polfus, Director of Major Gifts at 269-923-3455 or sharon.polfus@uwsm.org.

Jon Wallace has been making a big difference in our community, specifically through his work with United Way. Jon wants his legacy to last well beyond his lifetime, which is why he's made a planned gift to UWSM. Listen to his story.